Buildings, 65th Street & 5th Avenue.
[House of John Jacob Astor, Northeast Corner of Fifth Avenue and 65th Street.]
[The C. T. Yerkes Residence on the Southeast Corner of 5th Ave. and 68th St.]
Street Scenes - 1897, Fifth Ave. N.E. Cor. 65th St.
852 Fifth Ave. & 66th St. [The Residence of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer.]
Street Scenes, Fifth Avenue, About 1901 [?], 66th to 65th Streets.
857 Fifth Ave. at 67th Street. [The George Gould Residence.]
59th Street South and Entrance to Park. [Fifth Avenue and 59th Street Looking Southeast from the Plaza Hotel.]
883 Fifth Ave. [The Residence of Josiah M. Fiske.]
Residence, Fifth Ave. #807 S.E. Corner of 62nd Street.
Street Scenes, 1898 J.J. Astor House Fifth Ave No. from 65th St.
1 East 79th St. [The Isaac V. Brokaw Residence.]
927 Fifth Ave. [Fifth Avenue Looking South from 74th Street.]
Street Scenes. Fifth Avenue, Northeast Corner of 66th Street (Res. of Mrs H.O. Havemeyer), About 1901. 1 East 66th Street.
Residence, W.C. Whitney, Secy. of Navy, N.E. Corner of 68th St.
[Fifth Avenue, Thirty-fourth Street, Southwest Corner, Mrs. Astor's House.]
[# 60 Fifth Avenue N.W. Corner of Fifth Avenue & 12th Street.]
Street Scenes - 1900, Fifth Ave. S.E. Cor. 62nd St.
1 East 74th St. and 5th Ave.