640 Park Avenue at 66th Street, N.W. corner. Apartment house.
Madison Avenue at the S.W. corner of 67th Street. Apartment house.
1233 Avenue A at the N.W. corner of 66th Street. Apartment Building.
540 Park Avenue at the N.W. corner of 61st Street. Apartment house.
East 66th Street and Lexington Avenue, northeast corner. Apartment building, entrance
West End Avenue at the N.W. corner of 97th Street. Apartment house.
888 Park Avenue at the N.W. corner of 78th Street. Apartments.
Lincoln Center apartment community, from S.E. corner of 66th Street and Amsterdam, looking N.W.
1233 Avenue A at the N.W. corner of 66th Street. Apartment, general exterior.
66th Street and Lexington Avenue, N.E. corner. Apartments, general exterior.
901 Lexington Avenue at the N.E. corner of 67th Street. Apartment House.
125 East 72nd Street at the N.W. corner of Lexington Avenue. Apartment house.
67th Street and Madison Avenue, N.W. corner. Apartments.
520 Park Avenue at 60th Street, N.W. corner. Apartment house.
860 Park Avenue at 77th Street, N.W. corner. Apartments, detail of basement.
784 Park Avenue at the S.W. corner of East 74th Street. Ramondo Apartment House.
Manhattan House Apartments, vertical view of 3rd Avenue and 66th Street sides from N.W.
1120 Park Avenue and 90th Street, N.W. corner. Apartments.
St. Nicholas Avenue at the N.W. corner of West 113th Street. The Shoreham Apartment House.
West 86th Street at the corner of Amsterdam Avenue. St. Germaine Apartment House.