Social Functions, Ball, Loyal Order of Moose.
Thanksgiving Reception at Grand Central palace given under the auspices of the Officers and Men of the U.S.F.S. Alabama in token of their regard, to Admiral C.H. Davis U.S.N., Nineteen Hundred & Six.
Social Functions, Dr. Culver's Ball.
Social Functions, Ball, French (Chef's Exhibit).
Social Functions, Ball, Poster's.
Social Functions, Card (Bridge) Party, John Farley House.
Social Functions, Weddings, S.H. Rosenblatt.
Social Functions, James Hazen Hyde Ball, Pageant.
Social Functions, Funeral, Isaac E. Hoagland.
Social Functions, Birthday Party.
Social Functions, Weddings, Miss Morgenthau.
Social Functions, Weddings, Hotel Belleclaire.
Social Functions, James Hazen Hyde Ball.
Social Functions, Ball, Twelfth Night Masquerade, Stevens Residence.
Social Functions, Children's Party.
Y.M.C.A. Building, Naval Branch, Brooklyn.
Social Functions, Weddings, Miss Harper.