[Copy photo of] operating theater, Bellevue Hospital, finishing an operation.
Bellevue Hospital, kitchen.
Operating Room of Hospital.
Bellevue Hospital, diet kitchen.
Norwegian Hospital, operating room.
Hospital. Interior, operating room
Fordham Hospital, interior [operating room?].
[Copy of an old photo of an] X-ray set up tube.
[Copy of an old photo of an] X-ray set up plate holder.
[Copy photo of] hospital, two interns studying in their quarters.
Copy photo of a drawing of a hospital by Bert Sullivan.
Post Graduate Hospital, operating room.
Fordham Hospital. Interior, operating room
Shore Road Hospital, operating section cabinets.
Copy from photo of General Culver.
Hospitals, Roosevelt Hospital, Operating Theatre.
[Copy photo of] hospital emergency, nurse and two interns [with] patient on table.
[Copy of an old photo of] gauges on board for testing, 1917-1918.