220 West 19th Street. Spec. Type K machine addressograph with cutter, general rear view.
220 West 19th Street. Spec. Type K machine addressograph with cutter, detail of front.
220 West 19th Street. Spec. Type A machine addressograph with cutter, detail rear view.
220 West 19th Street. View of K-X type addressograph, at their shop.
220 West 19th Street. Large addressograph machine, view from front left hand corner.
220 West 19th Street. Large addressograph machine, view from front right hand to show motors.
220 West 19th Street. Large addressograph machine, view looking down on left hand side.
220 West 19th Street. Large addressograph machine, new model, view of rear right hand corner.
220 West 19th Street. Envelope addressing machine with operator.
220 West 19th Street. Plate embossing machine with keyboard, with operator.
220-230 West 19th Street. Small addressing machine with operator
220-230 West 19th Street. Keyboard reliefograph, front right.
220-230 West 19th Street. Keyboard reliefograph, gears on separate machine.
220-230 West 19th Street. Keyboard reliefograph, carriage off detail front
220-230 West 19th Street. Keyboard reliefograph, gears on separate machine