3 East 85th Street, apartment 5B. Bathroom, at the tub, legal record to show poor conditions.
3 East 85th Street. Apartment house.
527-29 East 85th Street. Six-story apartments.
1035 5th Avenue and 85th Street, S.E. corner. Apartments exterior.
85th Street and 5th Avenue, S.E. corner. Close-up view looking east at foundation pier at northwest corner of 10 East 85th Street, 4:27pm.
45 East 85th Street. Apartment house for sale.
85th Street and 5th Avenue, S.E. corner. View looking east at northwest corner of building at 10 East 85th Street showing condition of foundation under northwest corner pier to west gable wall, 4:07pm
26 East 64th Street. Record photo, altered residence, to show condition before painting.
1021 Park Avenue at 85th Street. Private house.
229-237 East 85th Street. Four-story flats.
Apartment building, view looking N.W. at east gable wall to 320 East 71st Street, legal record photo, 11:06 A.M.
3 East 84th Street. Apartments exterior.
[Apartment building at West 85th Street and Central Park West.]
1021 Park Avenue and 85th Street, N.E. corner. Apartment building, exterior.
3-5 East 84th Street. Prize apartment.
950 5th Avenue at 76th Street. Apartments.
85th Street and Park Avenue. Central Christian Church, interior at chancel.
350 West 85th Street. Red House Apartments.
252 West 85th Street. Apartment building
85th Street and Park Avenue, S.W. corner. Betina Evangelical Lutheran Church.