385 Madison Avenue and 47th Street [Manhattan Savings Bank.]
East 86th Street. Manhattan Savings Bank, interior view looking N.E..
45th Street and Vanderbilt Avenue. Manhattan Savings Bank, general view of interior from S.W. to N.E..
385 Madison Avenue and 47th Street. Manhattan Savings Bank
47th Street. Manhattan Savings Bank, detail of Santa Claus and reindeer.
47th Street. Manhattan Savings Bank, Christmas show, ice skaters out.
47th Street. Manhattan Savings Bank, Christmas show, ice skaters in.
East 86th Street. Manhattan Savings Bank, exterior view from N.E..
47th Street. Manhattan Savings Bank, detail of "Mrs. Santa Claus, glass blower".
Canal Street and Bowery. Manhattan Savings Bank, general interior from N.E. corner.
757 3rd Avenue and 47th Street, N.E. corner. Harcourt Brace and Co., general view of building.
45th Street and Vanderbilt Avenue. Manhattan Savings Bank, new branch, general exterior from N.E. [showing] Christmas decorations.
45th Street and Vanderbilt Avenue. Manhattan Savings Bank, general view of interior from N.W. to S.E..
45th Street and Vanderbilt Avenue. Manhattan Savings Bank, basement banking, general view.
383-85 Madison Avenue. View from 47th Street looking S.E..
36th Street at the N.E. corner of Broadway. Looking N.E.
383-385 Madison Avenue. Detail of lower floors from N.E., Manhattan Savings Bank.