49 Wyckoff Avenue. Job modernizing 49 Wyckoff Avenue, view showing whole building.
49 Wyckoff Avenue. Final view of alteration job, four-story concrete [building].
49 Wyckoff Avenue. Loft building
Gates and Wyckoff Avenues. Ridgewood National Bank, panel board in basement.
Willoughby Street and Pearl Street. Brooklyn Edison Building.
444 Madison Avenue at East 49th Street. General view from northeast
Eastern Parkway and Washington Avenue. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, view of statuary on top
Sheffield Avenue. Piel Brothers Brewery stockhouse E, view N.E. at Sheffield Avenue side.
Lexington Avenue and 49th Street. Hotel Shelton, view along base on Lexington Avenue.
Ryerson Street between DeKalb Avenue and Willoughby Avenue. Pratt Institute Free Library. North entrance
[Fifth Avenue and 49th Street.]
11 West 53rd Street. Museum of Modern Art. View of modern furniture and Rivera exhibit
View of lead flashing on roof of National Lead Co.
Ryerson Street between DeKalb Avenue and Willoughby Avenue. Pratt Institute Free Library. North entrance, detail of stonework
[View looking north on Fifth Avenue from 39th Street.]
View of Lexington Avenue looking north including Midtown area, from East 49th Street, Hotel Barclay.
[Revised Cutler job.]
[View of the GE Building from Saks on Fifth Avenue.]
[Looking south on Fifth Avenue from 49th Street.]
Kent Avenue. Eastern Cooperative Wholesale, two men loading boxes on dolly.