15 East 40th Street. View looking east showing copper piping in men's toilet, 11th floor.
15 East 40th Street. View looking north to show installation of copper pipe in men's' toilet, 11th floor, without man.
East 40th Street and Madison Avenue. General street view
113-115-117 East 40th Street. General exterior.
9-11 East 40th Street.
38 East 40th Street. Ernest Flagg residence.
8-10 West 40th Street. Rear view of building to show windows.
[East 40th Street and Madison Avenue. Man at overflowing mailbox.]
104 East 40th Street near Park Avenue. Apartment house.
East 40th Street between 3rd and Lexington Avenue, south side. General exterior.
5th Avenue and 40th Street. Arnold Constable Building.
21 East 40th Street at the N.W. corner of Madison Avenue. General exterior.
[East 40th Street between Third Avenue and Lexington Avenue, south side. Street view with new building drawn in.]
13 East 40th Street.
285 Madison Avenue. 14th floor, east wing, view west through south section, 11:56am.
8-10 West 40th Street. General exterior.
15 East 40th Street. Metropolitan Art Association Building.
10-12-14 East 40th Street. Old Buildings, residences, Schanz [sp.?] #10, Costylean #12, Penfield #14.
10 East 40th Street