217 Broadway between Fulton and Vesey. Basement vault room under main lobby and sidewalk, close-up of about 3-foot area showing hole near ceiling, looking south at S.E. corner, 3:05pm.
217 Broadway between Fulton and Vesey. Basement vault room under lobby and sidewalk, general view looking east showing about half of room and overhead radiators, 4:03pm.
217 Broadway between Fulton and Vesey. Basement vault room under lobby and sidewalk, whole end of the room, east wall looking east, 3:37pm.
36th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Looking S.E.
Dyckman and Broadway. View looking east at S.E. corner of Broadway and Dyckman, showing 217-21 Dyckman Street.
Dyckman and Broadway. View looking S.E. at S.E. corner of Broadway and Dyckman, showing 4760-66 Broadway.
2-10 John Street at Broadway, S.E. corner. Chesebrough Building [with Horn & Hardart Automat and Fanny Farmer Candies].
Woolworth Building, basement from S.W. corner, vaults looking N.E.
39th Street at the S.E. corner of 5th Avenue. Ovington's Store, detail of basement front.
Vesey Street and Broadway. St. Paul's Chapel, detail of altar and ornaments.
Broad Street at the S.E. corner of Beaver Street. Consolidated Stock Exchange.
Wall Street at the N.E. corner of William Street. Bank of New York and Trust Co., detail of basement stories.
Vesey Street and Broadway. St. Paul's Chapel, new organ console.
Broadway between Fulton and Vesey Street. St. Paul's Chapel, about 1899.
Woolworth Building, South Section S. W. Corner Looking N. E. [Construction zone.]
Broadway between Fulton and Vesey Streets. Altar at St. Paul's Chapel.
Woolworth Building, from S.E. corner looking north.
Vesey Street and Broadway. St. Paul's Chapel, monument to John Wells.
Woolworth Building, engine room from S.E. corner.
Vesey Street and Broadway. St. Paul's Chapel, metal grille around old wood burning stove, S.W. corner of church near vestry doors.