347 East 48th Street. Four-story house, rear and garden.
347 East 48th Street. Four-story house, living room interior and 2nd floor rear Mrs. Ziegler.
East 48th Street. Apartment House.
211 East 48th Street. Apartment and office building
12 East 48th Street.
18-20 East 48th Street.
211 East 48th Street. Apartment and office building. Night view
18 East 48th Street. Base.
211 East 48th Street. Apartment and office building. Exterior detail of basement
18-22 East 48th Street
16 East 48th Street. General exterior.
19 East 48th Street near Madison Avenue.
East 48th Street. Redfern Tailors Building, exterior.
3 East 48th Street. Redfern Building.
First Avenue to East River Drive between 48th Street and 49th Street. United Nations Plaza Apartments, bird's-eye view from S.W. roof of 777 U.N. Plaza.
East 48th Street. Redfern Tailor Building, reception room.
East 48th Street. Redfern Tailor Building, main showroom.