35th Street at the S.W. corner of 5th Avenue. Maillard Building.
5th Avenue at the S.W. corner of 40th Street. Knox Building.
1 Park Avenue at 33rd Street, S.E. corner. Building.
[Cambridge Building, southwest corner of 33rd Street and 5th Avenue.]
5th Avenue from 33rd to 34th Street. Empire State Building, view [of] from 38th Street N.Y. Life Building.
280 Madison Avenue and 40th Street, S.W. corner. Office building.
350 5th Avenue from 33rd to 34th Streets. Empire State Building, main steam riser, sub-basement.
385 5th Avenue and 36th Street, S.E. corner. Office building.
33rd Street at the N.E. corner of Madison Avenue. Burrell Building.
33rd Street and Madison Avenue, N.E. corner. Burrell Building.
33rd Street and Madison Avenue, N.E. corner. Burrell Building finished view.
274-80 5th Avenue and 30th Street, S.W. corner. Holland Building.
2-16 West 33rd Street. Vincent Astor estate.
5th Avenue at 34th Street, N.W. corner. Bowery Bank Building.
680-684 5th Avenue. Two buildings on the S.W. corner of 54th Street and 5th Avenue.
349 5th Avenue at the S.E. corner of 34th Street. Building.
57th Street at the S.W. corner of 5th Avenue. Heckscher Building.
440 4th Avenue at the S.W. corner of 30th Street. Passavant Building.