8th Avenue and 34th Street. Hotel New Yorker, detail entrance.
8th Avenue and 34th Street. Hotel New Yorker, general view.
8th Avenue and 35th Street, N.W. corner. Hoover Building, entrance lobby.
481 8th Avenue and 34th Street. West Side Bank.
225 West 34th Street. Pennsylvania Building, main entrance.
West 34th Street. R.H. Macy and Co. Store. Annex on 34th Street.
320-22 West 34th Street. Penn View Hotel.
481 8th Avenue and 34th Street. West Side Bank, detail of door.
481 8th Avenue and 34th Street. West Side Bank, interior.
34th Street and Broadway. R.H. Macy's Store.
West 34th Street. Bedell and Co. Store, detail base.
225 West 34th Street. Pennsylvania Building.
514 7th Avenue and 38th Street. Hotel Navarre, detail of entrance.
37th Street and 8th Avenue, N.E. corner. Perspective rendering by Brigden.
34 West 34th Street. Sulka Store, Ventilighter in interior.
West 32nd Street and 7th Avenue. Hotel Statler, basement stories, main entrance on 7th Avenue.
Broadway and 34th Street. Saks store.
West 34th Street near Seventh Avenue. Sloane Memorial Y.M.C.A.
34th Street and 5th Avenue. Empire State Building, view looking up.
7th Avenue and 38th Street. Hotel Navarre, entrance.