Columbia Heights, Watch Tower, lobby.
Columbia Heights, Watch Tower Bible House, apartment building.
Watchtower Bible Society assembly hall, drawing by Stokes.
Columbia Heights and Pineapple Street. Watchtower Building, office and dormitories.
Columbia Heights, addition to Dormitory 124, copy of drawing.
Prospect and Pearl Streets. Watch Tower printing plant, one unit.
Columbia University. Casa Italiana. Interior, auditorium
[Columbia Heights. View toward Lower Manhattan with fountain in foreground.]
Brooklyn Academy of Music, auditorium.
Columbia University. Earl Hall.
South Hall, Columbia University Library.
[Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn Heights branch.]
New York University, University Heights Campus. Gould Hall
135 Eastern Parkway. Turner Towers
Jackson Theater. Auditorium
Dyker Heights Postal Station. Brooklyn, New York
55 Hanson Place. Y.M.C.A. Central Branch. Auditorium interior.
Columbia University, Kent Hall