39th Street and 2nd Avenue. Bush Terminal, Building 19, view after remodeling windows, looking S.E..
39th Street between 1st and 2nd Avenue. Bush Terminal, Building 19, view from near 2nd Avenue looking S.W. before new window frames.
39th Street between 1st and 2nd Avenue. Bush Terminal, Building 19, view from near 1st Avenue looking S.E. before new window frames.
Bush Terminal Buildings 19 and 20.
1407 Broadway between 38th and 39th Street. Commercial building general view looking S.W.
2nd Avenue and 40th Street. Rolling doors on the American Can Co.
1407 Broadway at 39th Street, S.W. corner. Building.
530 7th Avenue and 39th Street, S.W. corner. Lofts.
9th Street at the S.W. corner of 2nd Avenue. Roulston and Co. factory.
39th Street at the S.W. corner of 7th Avenue. Pictorial Review Building.
42nd Street and Park Avenue. Airlines Terminal Building, general view from viaduct looking S.W., neighborhood.
Bush Terminal Buildings, No. 19 and 20.
530 7th Avenue and 39th Street, S.W. corner. Base of Monkato Stone.
Bush Terminal Buildings.
42nd Street and Park Avenue, S.W. corner. Airlines Terminal Building, new view from street, with Automat.
42nd Street and Park Avenue, S.W. corner. Airlines Terminal Building, general view from street, with Automat.
2nd Avenue at the S.W. corner of 12th Street. Jewish Art Theatre.