383-385 Madison Avenue. Detail of lower floors from N.E., Manhattan Savings Bank.
383-85 Madison Avenue. View from 46th Street looking N.E..
383-385 Madison Avenue. General view, north elevation from north.
383-385 Madison Avenue. Building, finished view of remodeled exterior.
Rodin Studio Building. General Exterior from N.E.
383-385 Madison Avenue. Detail in lobby.
383-87 Madison Avenue. Exterior.
383-385 Madison Avenue. Commercial building
57th Street at the N.E. corner of Madison Avenue. Central Presbyterian Church, general exterior.
383 - 385 Madison Avenue. Commercial building
355 Lexington Avenue and 40th Street, N.E. corner. General exterior [to show] windows.
383-385 Madison Avenue. Detail of lower floors from N.W., Manhattan Savings Bank.
383 Madison Avenue, S.E. corner. Manhattan Savings Bank, general interior looking east.
477 Madison Avenue and 51st Street, N.E. corner. General view [to show windows].
383-385 Madison Avenue. Detail of new entrance.
Rodin Studio Building. General View from N.E.
45th Street and Vanderbilt Avenue. Manhattan Savings Bank, new branch, general exterior from N.E. [showing] Christmas decorations.