19 West 44th Street. Single bed in alcove with mantel, shut curtain.
19 West 44th Street. Bed with curtain enclosure, open, horizontal.
19 West 44th Street. Bed with headboard, open, horizontal.
19 West 44th Street. Bed with headboard, shut, vertical.
19 West 44th Street. View of double bed.
19 West 44th Street. Bed with curtain enclosure, shut, vertical.
19 West 44th Street. Murphy Door Bed Company. Showroom, wooden kitchen equipment
East 44th Street. Richard Canfield's Gaming house, mantel, detail.
43 West 44th Street. Seymour apartments.
[Sixth Avenue and West 44th Street.]
55 West 44th Street. City Club.
East 44th Street. Richard Canfield's Gaming house, mantel.
67 West 44th Street. N.E. corner of 44th Street and 6th Avenue.
West 44th Street. Shubert Theatre.
59-65 West 44th Street. Hotel Algonquin
West 44th Street. New York Yacht Club.
12 West 44th Street #12. The Mansfield.