[Copy photo of] hospital emergency, nurse and two interns [with] patient on table.
[Copy photo of] S.J. Seaside Hospital, nurse and two babies, malnutrition,12096 photo by Byron, New York.
Copy from photo of General Culver.
[Copy photo of] operating theater, Bellevue Hospital, finishing an operation.
Copy photo of a drawing of a hospital by Bert Sullivan.
[Copy photo of] S.J. Seaside Hospital, balcony ward, N.D.S. 12088 photo by Byron, New York.
Copy of photo of Mrs. Bookhop.
Copy photo of a male artist.
Copy of photo of large yacht, maybe Cup racer.
[Copy photo of] operating theater, Bellevue Hospital, Prof. Bryant at the start of an operation.
New York County Courthouse. Copy of old photo of drawing.
[Copy of] group photo, taken about 1920, Ed Love, his father, and two brothers, Walter in center.
Mt. Sinai Hospital, Training School for Nurses, 50th Anniversary, nurses class, February 13, 1889 [copy of old photo for].
859 Lexington Avenue. Mt. Sinai Hospital, Training School for Nurses, 50th anniversary, children's ward [copy of old photo for].
National Starch Products Co., copy photo of airplane view of new factory.
[Copy of an old photo of an] X-ray set up tube.
[Copy of an old photo of an] X-ray set up plate holder.
[Roosevelt Hospital, Study Room.]
[Copy of an old photo of] gauges on board for testing, 1917-1918.