201 East 42nd Street and 3rd Avenue, N.E. corner. Detail view looking up at top, 42nd Street front.
150 East 42nd Street between Lexington and 3rd Avenue. Socony-Mobil Building, general view from N.E. showing 3rd Avenue and 42nd Street.
150 East 42nd Street between Lexington and 3rd Avenue. Socony-Mobil Building, worms-eye looking up from N.E. corner of 3rd Avenue.
42nd Street and Park Avenue, S.W. corner. Airlines Terminal Building, general view from street, with Automat.
303 Madison Avenue and 60 East 42nd Street. Lincoln Building, legal record, general view from N.W. corner of 42nd Street and Madison Avenue, looking S.E.
201 East 42nd Street. View from Socony Building.
633 3rd Avenue. General exterior of building from S.W.
633 3rd Avenue. [View of] building from street, looking N.E.
42nd Street and Park Avenue. Airlines Terminal Building, general view from viaduct looking S.W., neighborhood.
303 Madison Avenue and 60 East 42nd Street. Lincoln Building, legal record, general view from N.W. corner of 42nd Street and Madison Avenue, looking S.E., 2:26pm.
3rd Avenue between 42nd and 43rd Street, west side. Chrysler Building, general exterior view.
42nd Street and Park Avenue, S.W. corner. Airlines Terminal Building, new view from street, with Automat.
303 Madison Avenue and 60 East 42nd Street. Lincoln Building, legal record view, interior, large empty space on the 53rd floor, view from S.W. corner looking N.E., 2:55pm.
777 3rd Avenue. U.S. Gypsum Building, general view from N.W.
123 Lafayette Street. Fourth Floor, general view looking N.E. from near S.W. corner.