1133 Sixth Avenue Building, 43rd to 44th Streets, West side, of 6th Avenue, general view looking up.
1133 6th Avenue between 43rd and 44th Street.
Madison Avenue between 43rd Street and 44th Street. Canadian Pacific Building.
Madison Avenue between 43rd and 44th Street. Hotel Biltmore.
342 Madison Avenue between 43rd and 44th Street. Canadian Pacific Building.
1st Avenue between 40th and 44th Street. Tudor City, view looking S.E. from 43rd Street.
460 12th Avenue between 39th and 40th Street. Yale Express Systems Building, general exterior looking N.E. from west side of expressway [to show] steel windows and section at top of aluminum curtain w
133 East 43rd Street. General exterior.
341 Madison Avenue and 44th Street, N.E. corner. Building.
43rd Street and Broadway, S.E. corner. General exterior.
6th Avenue between 43rd and 44th Street. Parking field, east side.
3rd Avenue between 42nd and 43rd Street, west side. Chrysler Building, general exterior view.
521 5th Avenue and 43rd Street, N.E. corner. Lefcourt-National.
6th Avenue between West 43rd and 44th Streets. New York Hippodrome.
355 Lexington Avenue and 40th Street, N.E. corner. General exterior [to show] windows.
5th Avenue and 43rd Street. Postal Life Building, general exterior.