880 5th Avenue. Apartments, courtyard garden view through lobby window.
880 5th Avenue. Apartments.
965 5th Avenue. Apartments, entrance lobby.
880 5th Avenue and 69th Street, N.E. corner. Apartments, exterior.
926 5th Avenue. John W. Simpson residence, general view of rear.
1056 5th Avenue. General exterior, residence.
880 5th Avenue. Copy of drawing of apartment building by G. L. Scheffler.
5th Avenue and 65th Street. Temple Emanu-el, general view.
1034 5th Avenue. General exterior.
1010 5th Avenue, 12th Floor. Milhauser apartment, dining room, general view.
1060 5th Avenue. Apartment building, general exterior.
926 5th Avenue. John W. Simpson residence, general view.
1120 5th Avenue. Apartment building, general exterior.
5th Avenue and 82nd Street. Metropolitan Museum of Art, general view from north.
5th Avenue and 65th Street. Temple Emanu-el, general view of Chapel Beth-el.
77th Street at the N.E. corner of 5th Avenue. View looking east at basement of 964 5th Avenue.
988 5th Avenue at 80th Street. Apartments, entrance lobby.
74th Street at the S.E. corner of 5th Avenue. General exterior.
66th Street at the S.E. corner of 5th Avenue. General exterior.