383-85 Madison Avenue. Main lobby and elevator hall, north side.
383-85 Madison Avenue.
383-85 Madison Avenue. .
383-385 Madison Avenue. Detail in lobby.
299 Madison Avenue. Main lobby.
[299 Madison Avenue. Main lobby.]
[444 Madison Avenue, main lobby elevator bank.]
121 Madison Avenue. Interior of lobby, general view.
383-85 Madison Avenue. View from 46th Street looking N.E..
383-87 Madison Avenue. Exterior.
121 Madison Avenue. Interior of lobby, detail of mantel.
383-85 Madison Avenue. View from 47th Street looking S.E..
135 Madison Avenue. Interior, lobby
383-385 Madison Avenue. Detail of new entrance.
Hampton Shops, interior of lobby towards entrance.
[383-387 Madison Avenue?]. Drawing of remodeled building.
383 - 385 Madison Avenue. Commercial building
260 Madison Avenue. Lobby detail.
383 Madison Avenue, S.E. corner. Manhattan Savings Bank, general interior looking east.