Building, Larimore & Co. (Chemists).
Empire Film Co.
Faure-Pryce Elect. Co., Factory.
Park & Tilford, B'way & 40th St. [?].
Building, New York Sporting Goods Co., 15 & 17 Warren St.
Buildings, Wm. Fox Corp., Tenth Ave. & 55th St.
Building, Owl Motion Picture Co.
Building, Driecer & Co. (Jewellers) 560 Fifth Ave.
Hammacher Schlemmer & Co.
Front Exterior, 77 Water Street, Ossining, N.Y.
Buildings, Canada Dry Building, 55th St. & 12th Ave., New York.
#127 Fulton Street.
Building, Knox, and view down Fifth Ave.
Buildings, 245 West 55th St.
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 55 to 54 Sts.
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 56 to 55 Sts.