Ornamental design (No. 10 Plaza VI No.)
Ornamental design (No. 9 Perisphere)
Landscape and fountain designs (marked No. 14 Street No. 14)
[Unidentified building]
World's Fair Emblem (cut out)
Electric Motor Vehicle
Design drawing for Rayon & Silk installation at New York World's Fair
A.C. Gilbert & Co. Exhibit - plans of building and space, Robert Heller designer
[Colored shield in felt showing head of the Statue of Liberty].
Proposed design for Greyhound Bus
Proposed Building
Statue of George Washington with Flags of All Nations
Domestic Utilities Building and Plan
Perspective drawing and plan of interior space for U.S.Lines
View of Proposed Building
View of Communications Building
Proposed participation for Bloomingdale's - Bloomingdale's Lounge