Residence, Erlich (Dry Goods?) on the Hudson.
Residence, John Jacob Astor, Rhinecliff, New York.
Residence, Miss Helen Gould (Late Jay Gould Residence).
Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men," Southampton, L.I., Exterior, Side of Main Cottage from Garden.
Residence, Mr. Frank Seaman (Frank Seaman Inc.).
Residences, Mr. Arthur Hornblow (Theatre Magazine).
Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men," Southampton, L.I., Exterior, Guests' House.
Cromwell, Mr. J.H.R., Residence at Manursing Island, Rye, N.Y., Exterior of House and Grounds.
Schools, Ladycliff Academy on the Hudson River.
Residences, Augustus Thomas (Playwright).
Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men," Southampton, L.I., Exterior, the Bay, the Court, the Steps & Railings.
Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men," Southampton, L.I., Exterior, Lawn in Front of Bay.
[Unidentified Residence.]