Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men," Southampton, L.I., Exterior, the Court & Library Veranda.
[Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men", The Court, Library Veranda & the Bay, Southampton, L.I.]
Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men," Southampton, L.I., Exterior, the Court & Boat Dock Steps.
[Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men", The Court and Library Veranda, Southampton, L.I.]
Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men," Southampton, L.I., Exterior, the Bay, the Court, the Steps & Railings.
[Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men", Estate from the Bay, Southampton, L.I.]
Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men," Southampton, L.I., Exterior, Lawn in Front of Bay.
Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men," Southampton, L.I., Exterior, the Bay, Boat Dock & Steps.
[Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men", The Bay, Southampton, L.I.]
Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men," Southampton, L.I., Exterior, End of Library Building.
Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men," Southampton, L.I., Exterior, Waterfront of Swimming Pool and Library Buildings.
Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men," Southampton, L.I., Exterior, Part of Library Veranda, Steps & the House.
[Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men", The Court and Boat Dock, Southampton, L.I.]
Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men," Southampton, L.I., Exterior, Showing Steps Leading from the Court.
[Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men", The Court, Southampton, L.I.]
[Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men", The Bay, Boat Dock & Steps, Southampton, L.I.]