[Map of lots at the intersection of Broadway and Astor Place]
[Map of lots from Post Road to Middle Road, bisected by Cross Road]
[Map of Kip family lots in Kips Bay, bordered by Post Road and the East River]
[Map of lots from Charles Street to Scott Street between Greenwich Street and Greenwich Lane]
La Fayette Place Map of Lots to be Sold by Franklin & Jenkins
Map of Lot of Ground in the Fourth Ward Belonging to Benjamin Clark
[Lots of land belonging to the Brevoort family, from Broadway to 5th Avenue between 9th Street and 14th Street]
[Lots near the former Cross Street, located near City Hall]
Map of the Sturges Property on Southern Boulevard and Boston Road, containing 335 lots
La Grange Terrace - La Fayette Place.
Fourth Avenue [Fourth Avenue to Fifth Avenue & 21st Street]
[Lots between King and Hammersley Street, including Houston Street, from MacDougal to Smith Street]
[Land from Hudson River Rail Road to Kingsbridge Road, including Land of Institution of the Blind]
Fourth Avenue and Astor Place [Fourth Avenue to Fifth Avenue & 21st Street]
A Map of Bowery and Petersfield Farm, the Property of Petrus Stuyvesant Esq.
[Lots 10-33 between 8th Avenue and Hudson Street, from Jane Street to Troy Street]
[Map of property bounded by Elizabeth Street, Bayard Street, and the Bowery - David Reynolds and Calvin Swezey, landowners]
The Old Astor Place Opera House.
[Map of lots at intersection of Exchange Place and Broad Street]
Map of Property in the Ninth Ward in the City of New York Belonging to Henry, Fitz, and Jacob Peterson