Residences, A.G. Vanderbilt.
Residence of Cornelius Vanderbilt 1908 Fifth Ave. & West 58th Street.
Residences, Augustus Thomas (Playwright).
Residences, Nicholas Wolf, Tuxedo Park, N.Y.
Cromwell, Mr. J.H.R., Residence at Manursing Island, Rye, N.Y., Exterior of House and Grounds.
Tuxedo Park, N.Y., Residences, Churches, Depot, Boating. [Residence of F.R. Halsey, Esq.]
Street Scenes 1908 58th St. West from 5th Ave. (Duplicate of 18251).
[Mrs. C H. Coster residence.]
Autos, Old Styles.
Looking North on 5th Ave. from 51st St. N.Y. [Fifth Avenue Vanderbilt Residences on the Left].
Residences, Isaac Stern (Stern Bros.), Irvington, N.Y.
Christmas Display, R.C.A. Bldg. & Rockefeller Center from Fifth Ave.
[Christmas Display, R.C.A. Bldg. & Rockefeller Center from Fifth Ave.]
Buildings, First Floors of #52 Vanderbilt Ave.
Residences, Mr. Arthur Hornblow (Theatre Magazine).