A Key to the Print of the Great Fire of the City of New York
J. C. Morrison & Son Nos. 186 & 188 Greenwich Street.
Morrison's Cheap Store 186 & 188 Greenwich St., New York.
The Rigging House.
New Amsterdam Now New York.
The Grand Procession in Honor fo the Fenian Exiles
A View of the Federal Hall of the City of New York, as it appeared in the year 1797, with Adjacent buildings thereto.
The Funeral of Old Tammany.
The 25th of April 1865 in New York [Funeral Procession of Abraham Lincoln]
Brown's Coffee House & Dining Saloon.
Procession of the Worth Funeral - Nov. 25 1857
The Great Fire of New York, as it appeared from the Waverly House down Broadway.
The Government House.
The Memorable Fire of April 4th, 1836. Second and Third Street, Avenue D. Union Market
Federal Hall: Inauguration of Genl George Washington, the First President of the United States, on the 30th of April 1789.
Grand Reception of Kossuth