Church of St. Marten of Louis, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Church, Church of the Pilgrims, 109 Remsen St., B'klyn (interiors).
Church, St. Peter and St. Paul, 833 St. Ann's Avenue.
St. Mary's R.C. Church, Port Richmond N.Y.
Church, St. Aloysius, North Side of 132 St. West of 7th Ave.
Church, Bethel, 25th St. Bet. 7th & 8th Aves.
Church, Christ's & Christ Church Memorial Bldgs. & Activities.
Church of St. Jean, Baptist, N.Y.C.
Church, St. Thomas, Fifth Ave. & 53rd Street.
Church, Brick Presbyterian, Northwest 37th St. & Fifth Ave.
Church, St. James, Brooklyn.