The New-York and Liverpool United States Mail Steamers
The Royal Mail Steam Ship "Australasian" 3100 Tons
Steamer St. John
United States Mail Steamer "Arago." Bill of Fare
Royal Mail Steam Ship, Asia.
American Line U.S. Mail Twin-Screw Steamer "Philadelphia" (11,500 Tons.)
Ships, Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. S.S. "Avon".
An Interior View of the Crystal Palace.
Ships, Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. S.S. "Tagus".
American Line U.S. Mail Steamer "St. Paul" (11,629 Tons).
Quintard Iron Works, New York
Hudson River Day-Line Steamer "New York".
Prospect Park.
W. D. Wilson & Co. Printing Ink Factory, West Avenue, Long Island City