South end home on Village Green, one south side of greens.
Detail of end house, south group on green near hotel, #4.
Group of houses by railroad.
General bird's-eye view [of housing development] from tower looking south across green.
Forest Hills Inn from Village Green.
Park City Estates, south end group looking north.
Group of houses along railroad east of Inn, #6.
Group of houses, Greenway North and Puritan Avenue, #11.
Stone group #33, general exterior #9. [Two stone houses.]
House at juncture of Rockwood Place and Greenway North, #15, F. J. Steiner, architect.
5 Russell Place. Dr. Sweeny residence.
Crayon rendering, Forest Hills Gardens, Group 48.
Kew Place. Walter C. Mordecai residence.
Greenway South. Mrs. Hugh Muller residence.
3 Greenway South Slocum. Brown residence.
Newbold Place and Austin Avenue. Stehli residence.
82 Tennis Place. General exterior.