Dinner to George Ade by the Lotos Club
Dinner to Howard Elliot by the Lotos Club
Dinner to the Reverend Doctor Henry Van Dyke by the Lotos Club
[Coaching Club dinner.]
Musical and Literary Entertainment for the Benefit of the Gymnasium Fund of the College of the City of New York
Dinner to His Excellency Jules J. Jusserand by the Lotos Club
[List of members and seating arrangement for the Engineers Club annual banquet.]
Lotos Club Reception
Yule-Tide at the Lotos Club
Dinner to His Excellency Sir Chentung Liang Cheng by the Lotos Club
[The Lotos Club.]
Yuletide Feast of Ye Club Lotos
Fiftieth Anniversary of the Lotos Club
Lotos Club Coach Card, Ryerson & Brown
First Annual Dinner of the What'll Club
Dinner to His Excellency Wu Ting Fang by the Lotos Club
[Library at the Lotos Club.]
Dinner in honour of Mr. George T. Wilson given by members of the Union League Club of New York
[Lotos Club under construction.]