Grand Amateur Concert for Charitable Purposes
Fifth Avenue and 65th Street [Fifth Avenue, 57th Street to 101st Street]
Presentation of the Honor Medals of the New York Fire Department for the Years 1909 and 1910
[112-114 Amsterdam Avenue]
[The President and the Admissions Committee invite you to attend a meeting of the Provisional Members for the purpose of electing a Chairman.]
Third Avenue Rail Road Co.
Commencement Exercises, Public School No. 70
Street Scenes, Fifth Avenue, About 1901 [?], 66th to 65th Streets.
835, 836, 837 65th Street. [The Residence of William Watts Sherman, Southeast Corner of Fifth Avenue and 65th Street.]
[Invitation to the first annual meeting of the Electric Club on Thursday, April 21 at Hotel Dam.]
[Abbot Collegiate Association third annual meeting.]
Buildings, 65th Street & 5th Avenue.
Street Scenes - 1897, Fifth Ave. N.E. Cor. 65th St.
Ninth Annual Breakfast of the Lydia F. Wadleigh Association
Saratoga Stables
[House of John Jacob Astor, Northeast Corner of Fifth Avenue and 65th Street.]