Gas Heater, "Economic" asbestos.
Gas heater, "Cheerful" aluminum reflector.
Gas Heater, "Puritan #74" reflector cylinder.
Gas heater, "Cubist" reflector.
Gas Heater "Vulcan" #334N bunson burner.
Three Kompak Water Heaters, Consolidated Gas Co., boiler room.
Christopher Street. Tea tasting Appraisers Stores. Gas heater for hot water.
42nd Street. Consolidated Gas Company showrooms, combination broiler and iron heater.
Four-tube low type gas steam radiator.
1 East 94th Street. Cass Gilbert residence, [gas and hot water heaters].
130 East 15th Street. Consolidated Gas Co. Painting over mantel in board room.
[Interior, mantel.]
East Side Laundry, iron heater.
[Water heater and a Peerless Range.]
Mantel at Architectural League.
Mantel and Dutch fireplace.
[Asbestos mural on the Johns-Manville building, New York World's Fair.]