5th Avenue and 86th Street. William Starr Miller residence.
East 72nd Street next to 5th Avenue. Jennings and Sloane Residence.
19 East 86th Street. Residence.
935 5th Avenue. Mr. S. Reading Berton residence.
5th Avenue and 68th Street. Whitney Residence.
91st Street and 5th Avenue. Kahn residence.
5th Avenue and 68th Street. Wm. C. Whitney residence.
110 E. 86th Street. View of sheath piling along 86th Street sidewalk.
927 5th Avenue at the S.E. corner of 74th Street. Apartment house.
5th Avenue and 61st Street. Detail of balcony, Gerry residence, 5th Avenue side.
1046 Fifth Avenue between 85th and 86th Street.
East 86th Street. Restaurant, kitchen.
5th Avenue and 67th Street. Jay Gould residence.
1020 5th Avenue at 83rd Street, N.E. corner. Apartment House.
5th Avenue between East 70th and 71st Streets. H.C. Frick residence, general view, 5th Avenue front.
5th Avenue and 87th Street. Phipps residence, hallway.
5th Avenue and 87th Street. Phipps residence.
East 86th Street. Convent, rear.
61st Street and 5th Avenue, N.E. corner. Private residence.