163rd Street. Y.M.C.A., Union Branch, general view of pool, looking north.
163rd Street. Y.M.C.A., Union Branch, detail of corner of swimming pool.
Y.M.C.A., general view of men's pool Interior.
930 Grand Concourse at 163rd Street. Ashley Apartments, Inc., general view from south.
Y.M.C.A., Central Branch. View of windows in men's pool.
Y.M.C.A. Central Branch. Men's pool interior.
Y.M.C.A., Central Branch. Corner of boy's pool.
930 Grand Concourse at 163rd Street. Ashley Apartments, Inc., general view from north.
55 Hanson Place. Y.M.C.A. Central Branch, general exterior.
Y.M.C.A., Central Branch. Detail of bay window in men's pool.
[167] Sands Street. Y.M.C.A. Naval Branch.
55 Hanson Place. Y.M.C.A. Central Branch. Boys' swimming pool.
Y.M.C.A. Central Branch, detail of steps under water, men's pool.
East 3rd Street. Y.M.C.A., kitchen.
West 34th Street. Sloane Memorial Y.M.C.A., general view.
55 Hanson Place. Y.M.C.A. Central Branch. General interior of lobby.