[David Kessler as Yankel Shapshovitch in Sholom Asch's "God of Vengeance".]
[David Kessler as Yankel Shapshovitch in Sholem Asch's "God of Vengeance".]
[Copy of David Kessler's naturalization picture.]
[Samuel Goldenberg in "Back to His People".]
[Bernard Sauer, David Carey and Janece Martel in "The Rebbetzin from Israel".]
[Rosenfeld and Joshua Zeldis in "The Rise of David Levinsky".]
[Maurice Schwartz, Joseph Rumshinsky, Zalman Schneour, and David Licht holding a copy of "Song of the Dnieper".]
[David Carey and Lillian Lux in "The Rebbetzin from Israel".]
[Michael Lux and Jacob Holtz in "The Singer of His Sorrow".]
["Generations of Green Fields" theater still.]
[Joshua Zeldis in "Generations of Green Fields".]
[Michael Lux and Sheftel Zack in "The Sage of Rottenburg".]
["The Soul of a Woman" theater still.]
[Zypora Spaisman, Harry Rubin and Anna France in "The Sage of Rottenburg".]
["The Girl From Lublin" theater still.]
[Pesach Burstein and Janece Martel in "The Rebbetzin from Israel".]
[Maurice Schwartz, Zalman Shneour, David Licht, and Joseph Rumshinsky at the opening of "Song of the Dnieper".]
[Renee Spektor and Shifra Silo in "The Singer of His Sorrow".]
[Joshua Zeldis and Marvin Schwartz in "The Sage of Rottenburg".]
[David Kessler and Berta Gersten in an unidentified production.]