"The Man Who Owns Broadway"
"Love Will Make or Break a Man"
"I'll Go the Route for You"
"I'm In Love with One of the Stars"
"When A Servant Learns A Secret"
Drum orchestration for "Fifty Miles from Boston"
"The Man Who Owns Broadway" - Andrews (Butler)
"Cohan's Pet Names" for "The American Idea"
"Cohan's Rag Babe"
Second violin orchestration for "The American Idea"
Trombone orchestration for "Fifty Miles from Boston"
Viola orchestration for "Fifty Miles from Boston"
Orchestration for "The Man Who Owns Broadway"
Second violin orchestration for "Fifty Miles from Boston"
Trombone orchestration for "The Talk of New York"
First violin orchestration for "Fifty Miles from Boston"