43rd Street and 5th Avenue. Postal Life Building, interior.
5th Avenue and 43rd Street. Postal Life Building. Guaranty Trust, general banking room.
509 5th Avenue near 43rd Street. General exterior.
5th Avenue at the corner of East 43rd Street. Postal Life Building.
513 5th Avenue 43rd Street. Postal Life Building, detail of upper stories.
513 5th Avenue and 43rd Street. Postal Life Building, detail of lower stories.
43rd Street and 5th Avenue. Postal Life Building, detail of basement stories.
43rd Street and 5th Avenue. View of conduits and boxes taken in the Postal Life Building.
43rd Street and 5th Avenue. Postal Life Building. Guaranty Trust, detail of elevator to vault.
43rd Street and 5th Avenue. View looking north.
516 5th Avenue at the N.W. corner of 43rd Street. General exterior.
43rd Street and Lexington Avenue. General Hanover Bank, Chrysler Building, general interior toward 43rd Street end.
133 East 43rd Street. General exterior.
521 5th Avenue and 43rd Street, N.E. corner. Lefcourt-National.
3rd Avenue between 42nd and 43rd Street, west side. Chrysler Building, general exterior view.
101 West 43rd Street. General exterior.
43rd Street and Broadway, S.E. corner. General exterior.
3rd Avenue between 42nd and 43rd Street, west side. Chrysler Building, general exterior view from News Building.
416 5th Avenue at the N.W. corner of 43rd Street.