Tuesday evening, November 11. Benefit of Mlle. Adelaide Rousset. Splendid bill! Two ballets selected from “La Giselle” and “Catarina; or, The Queen of the Bandits"
Continued and extraordinary success of Miss Cushman as La Tisbe in the new play, “The Actress of Padua”, Friday evening, October 2
Friday evening, September 12, the great bill repeated! "Irish Lion", "Card Case" with the highly successful yacht race and, by desire, "The Tigers"
Monday evening, January 26, 1852, the performances will commence with an overture by the orchestra. After which the successful comedietta of "The Two Bonnycastles"
Tuesday, May 25, 1852, benefit of the wonderful Caroline Rousset. The performance to commence with the vaudeville of "The Sentinel"
Saturday evening, February 8, the new comedy "Serve Him Right; or, The Rake Reformed"
Miss Julia Bennett's benefit. Tuesday evening, May 11, the entertainments will commence with the popular comedy in two acts, "The Follies of a Night"
Thursday evening, April 3, the performance will commence with Brougham’s version of “David Copperfield”, with Brougham as Wilkins Micawber
Monday, January 27, 1851, will be presented an English version, arranged by George Loder, of Auber's opera of "The Ambassadress; or, A Manager's Miseries"
Benefit of Mr. Charles Mathews, who will appear in two popular characters. Tuesday, February 9, the celebrated comedy in three acts, "The Serious Family"
Monday, June 13, 1853, benefit of Mr. Wallack and last night of Shakespeare's comedy of "As You Like It" with Mr. Wallack as Jacques
Tuesday evening, August 25, 1857, will be presented the popular farce of "Lola Montes; or, Catching a Governor"
Monday evening, May 17, will be played the celebrated drama in three acts, "David Copperfield"
Opening night of the fall season. Monday evening, August 24, 1857, will be presented the popular farce of "Lola Montes; or, Catching a Governor"
This Thursday evening, September 17, positively the last night this season, on which Edwin Forrest can appear in "Brutus; or, The Fall of Tarquin"
Mrs. Julia Dean Hayne will play a farewell engagement prior to her departure for Europe, commencing Tuesday, June 5, 1860, when she will appear in Bulwer's great play of "The Lady of Lyons"
Monday evening, May 22, 1865, will be presented the fascinating domestic drama in five acts, entitled "Fanchon the Cricket". Miss Maggie Mitchell in her exquisite life-like picture of Little Cricket
Saturday, October 22, 1853, will be presented the elegant comedietta of "Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady"
Second night of Miss Matilda Heron as Bianca in "Fazio", Friday evening, April 3