Strapless evening dress in white-on-white dotted organdy
Dinner dress of light brown organdy with white floral embroidery
Dinner dress in light brown cotton organdy with floral embroidery overall
Evening dress in white organdy with blue, red and green stemmed floral embroidery and applique
Evening dress in white satin with velvet stars
Evening dress in off-white linen
Sailor-style dress in off-white organdy with applied bands of navy blue silk braid
Evening dress of green, white, and pink horizontally striped silk organza
Short evening dress in "Mainbocher red" satin
Evening dress in off-white and black chiffon, dense gold sequin embroidery
Evening dress in pale blue tulle with stole
Evening dress with short overskirt in black silk
Evening dress of white crash linen
Evening dress in white silk gazar with black bead trim
Evening dress in pale pink satin and cream satin brocade with applied maple leaves
Evening dress in blue satin with figured velvet pile
Evening dress in beige silk twill and heavy guipure beige cotton lace
Dinner dress in charcoal grey silk organdy
Dinner dress in American Beauty rose silk faille
Dress of white slubbed densely woven dotted cotton, with underdress and sash