Dinner in honor of Chief John Kenlon in recognition of his Thirty-five Years Service in the Fire Department - New York
Dinner Tendered to Chief Daniel A. Deasy, Chief Frederic J. G. Wedemeyer and Fireman George T. J. Scott
Thirty-seventh Annual Dinner New York State Hotel Men's Association
[Deputy Fire Chief George L. Ross.]
Chief E.F. Croker, New York City Fire Department
New York Fire Department
Dinner in honor of Charles M. Wales given by his friends on the occasion of his retirement as Treasurer of the Engineers Club
Fire Department, City of New York
Testimonial Dinner to the Right Reverend William T. Manning, D.D. Bishop of New York
New York Chief Croker of the Fire Dept.
New York, Chief Croker of the Fire Dept.
[New York Fire Department Water Tower.]
Testimonial Dinner by Ye Goode Friends of Thomas D. Green, Esquire
Dinner given in honor of Oscar S. Straus by the Freundschaft Society of the City of New York
Testimonial Dinner tendered by the Engineers Club to its Treasurer George E. Weed
Presentation of the Honor Medals of the New York Fire Department for the Years 1909 and 1910
4th Annual Staff Dinner - Holland Tunnel
[Certificate of appointment of Thomas Coman to New York City Fire Department.]
The Final Dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria