The True Issue or "Thats Whats the Matter".
Abraham's Dream!
Surrender of Genl. Lee, at Appomattox C.H. Va. April 9th 1865.
The Battle of Petersburg Va. April 2nd 1865.
The Gunboat Candidate
Lieut. Genl. U. S. Grant.
The Chicago Platform and Candidate.
Lieut. Genl. Ulysses S. Grant.
The Old General Ready for a "Movement".
Grand National Democratic Banner.
The Man of Words, The Man of Deeds, Which Do You Think the Country Needs?
A. Lincoln.
Caving In, or a Rebel "Deeply Humiliated."
The Battle of Fair Oaks, Va. May 31st 1862.
The Storming of Fort Donelson, Tenn. Feby. 15th 1862.
Geo. B. McClellan
Our President Puts His Foot Down, and the British Lion Will Have to Wriggle Out.
William Tell Will Not Surrender or Bow to the Old Hat.
General Grant at the Tomb of Abraham Lincoln.