Federal Pap.
Grand Democratic Free Soil Banner
Memento of Chappaqua
What I Know About Horace Greeley.
Wm. O. Butler
Red Hot Republicans on the Democratic Gridiron.
"The Irrepressible Conflict".
Letting the Cat Out of the Bag!!
Martin Van Buren.
The New "Confederate Cruiser."
"Old Honesty"
Chappaqua Farm, Westchester County, N.Y.
Diogenes Has Found the Honest Man. - (Which Is Diogenes, and Which Is the Honest Man?)
The Great Republican Reform Party
"None But the Brave Deserves the Fair."
The "Last Ditch" of the Democratic Party.
Political "Blondins" Crossing Salt River.
The Balls Are Rolling _ Clear the Track
Adding Insult to Injury. Anything to Make our Republic Look Ridiculous.
The Republican Party Going to the Right House.