The Hercules of the Union, Slaying the Great Dragon of Secession.
A Serviceable Garment _
The Balls Are Rolling _ Clear the Track
James Buchanan.
James Buchanan
"Uncle Sam" Making New Arrangements.
"Taking the Stump" or Stephen in Search of His Mother.
The True Issue or "Thats Whats the Matter".
Progressive Democracy _ Prospect of a Smash Up.
"The Irrepressible Conflict".
The Gunboat Candidate
Heads of the Democracy.
The Champions of the Union.
His Eminence Cardinal McCloskey.
The Man of Words, The Man of Deeds, Which Do You Think the Country Needs?
The Old Bull Dog on the Right Track.
The Republican Party Going to the Right House.
The Democracy in Search of a Candidate.
The Great Exhibition of 1860.