The True Issue or "Thats Whats the Matter".
The Gunboat Candidate
A. Lincoln.
Grand National Democratic Banner.
The Old Bull Dog on the Right Track.
Abraham Lincoln
The Republican Party Going to the Right House.
The Chicago Platform and Candidate.
Abraham Lincoln, the Nation's Martyr.
Honest Abe Taking Them On the Half Shell.
Excessively rare portrait of Abraham Lincoln published by Currier and Ives, 1860.
For Mayor - Geo. B. M'Clellan
The National Game. Three "Outs" and One "Run".
For Mayor Col. Geo. B. McClellan
Letting the Cat Out of the Bag!!
Caving In, or a Rebel "Deeply Humiliated."
Hon. George B. McClellan
The Latest From America
An Heir to the Throne, Or the Next Republican Candidate.