Jeff's Last Shift.
The Last Ditch of the Chivalry, or a President in Petticoats.
Caving In, or a Rebel "Deeply Humiliated."
Why Don't You Take It?
Jefferson Davis
A Disloyal British "Subject".
The Old General Ready for a "Movement".
Southern "Volunteers".
Bombardment and Capture of Island "Number Ten."
The Man of Words, The Man of Deeds, Which Do You Think the Country Needs?
Capture of Roanoke Island, Feby. 8th 1862.
The Bombardment and Capture of Fort Fisher, N.C., Jany. 15th 1865
Siege and Capture of Vicksburg, Miss. July 4th 1863.
Bombardment & Capture of the Forts at Hatteras Inlet, N.C.
The Battle of Booneville, or the Great Missouri "Lyon" Hunt.
[Certificate of membership for the Ladies Loyal Union League.]
Desperate Peace Man.
The Union Volunteer.
Glorious Charge of Hancock's Division (2nd) of the Army of the Potomac