The "Last Ditch" of the Democratic Party.
Heads of the Democracy.
The Chicago Platform and Candidate.
The Man of Words, The Man of Deeds, Which Do You Think the Country Needs?
The Gunboat Candidate
The Capture of an Unprotected Female, or the Close of the Rebellion.
A Token of a Visit to the Chase National Bank Collection of Moneys of the World
Re - Construction, or "A White Man's Government".
Jeff's Last Shift.
The Bird to Bet On!
The Life of a Fireman.
A Philosopher in Ecstasy.
Red Hot Republicans on the Democratic Gridiron.
Hon. Horatio Seymour.
The True Issue or "Thats Whats the Matter".
A Third Heat in Two Sixteen!!
A Darktown Tournament, - The First Tilt.
The Turn of the Tune