[Photomontage of an Ocean Liner on an Aerial View of the Capitol Building, Washington, D.C.]
Flyglarna af capitolen i Washington år 1819
The Lincoln Statue
The Body of the Martyr President, Abraham Lincoln
The Assassination of President Lincoln
Inauguration, President Grover Cleveland, Washington D.C., March 4, 1893.
Executive Offices at the White House.
Atlas til Friherre Klinckowstrom's Bref om de Förente Staterne.[Frontispiece of Atlas til Friherre Klinckowstrom's Bref om de Förente Staterne.]
Metropolitan Railroad
[The production staff and cast of "The White House" at the White House.]
The Washington Family.
Columbia College & Carver Barracks Hospitals [Letterhead.]
G. Washington.
Sidney Hillman (in Washington, D.C.)
The Tomb and the Shade of Washington. Find the Figure of Washington among the Trees
Martha Washington.